Before you Start
Prepare your workspace prior to painting.
-Set up in a well lit area.
Cover your table with a cloth or newspaper.
Use a disposable cup for rinsing your paintbrushes, a disposable plate to mix colors, and paper towels to dab any spills.
Keep all electronic devices far enough from your painting area, you don't want to damage your things.
Do not wear clothing that you care about. Acrylic paint is not washable.
Play your own music that fuels your creativity.
Wash your paintbrushes, and save them for another opportunity!
Relax, enjoy and trust the process.
Share your beautiful painting on instagram and other social media. Tag @andpaint and @reshadapj on instagram and tiktok.
Photo Directions: Preview the step-by-step directions below before you watch the full video instructions
Take a Photo of your Painting and Share it on Social Media.